Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Passages from 

The Tale of Genji (潤一郎訳源氏物語)

It was a long novel full of different love stories. I found it as a Japanese version of "One Thousand and One Nights", which is not my favorite kind of books. Even though I didn't finish the whole book, I still can say it was a nice and different experience. Here are some passages I loved:

"We vowed that we would go together down the road we all must go. You must not leave me behind."
She looked sadly up at him. "if I had suspected that it would be so--" She was gasping for breath. 
"I leave you, to go the road we all must go. The road I would choose, if only I could, is the other."

"The autumn night is too short to contain my tears...

Monday, 8 December 2014


  It breaks my heart to see people still think that life is all about money. What was the first dictate to our prophet in order to make a huge change? Was it about working and gaining money? No, It was simple about Reading and learning, because it is the best way to change ourselves then our lives. 

  Yet, our people still don't see it a necessity to have clean water at home every day, clean toilet at work, clean streets ... In order to clean our environment we need to clean our minds (by reading and learning), then step by step we will get a clean society, a clean government, a clean country. 

  So, I guess cleanliness is somehow more important than money at this stage..... J
ust a ‪#‎Point_of_view‬

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Child of The Dark

The Diary of Carolina Maria De Jesus

I started reading this book when I was going through some of the worst days I ever had. I failed badly, and I have no idea how to face it. As usual, I needed to read a book to forget about my pain when I can't fall asleep. I didn't choose this book by myself, but a friend gave it to me. So I started reading it, and I loved every word and every feeling no matter how simple they were. 

  If you check the story for Carolina Maria book you will understand that she was a very poor woman, surviving by collecting papers and cans and food from garbage. That's exactly what attracted me the most when I started this book. 

  Her diary is divided into 3 periods:

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Hidden voices 

by Xinran 

Here is another book I read recently,  and I really enjoyed it, not in a funny way at all, but I've learned from each story a new lesson. I believe that if a book don't teach you something new, then it is not worthy. This book deserved the time I had to steal from my busy days (busy with studies). Sometimes I was reading while I wait the bus, then I continue reading in the bus, which caused me troubles when I miss my stop. Other times I was reading it while I was eating my breakfast or lunch. And of course, whenever  had troubles sleeping, I would just grab it and forget my pain by living other women' sorrow. The most important lesson I got from these stories, is that time cannot really heal broken hearts not lost souls. Some wounds are meant to remain open and painful, forever.
In the following I reviewed briefly each story in the book, so everyone can have an idea if the book is interesting for him/her.
1. My Journey Towards the Stories of Chinese Women :

"What was a woman's life worth in China?" I can say this was the main purpose behind writing this book. 

2. The Girl Who Kept a Fly as a Pet:

" I used to dream that my pain could be cleared away somehow,  but can I clear away my life? Can I clear away my past and my future?"
That was really a very touching story. A little girl who suffered from her father sexual abuse and her mother giving up on her by accepting the abuse, decided to commit suicide while she was already sick in the hospital using her favorite animal friends:'flies'. It wasn't an easy story to read when I knew the facts are real. How can any father do this to his daughter? How can any mother scarify his own girl to keep a family? What kind of family did she really kept? What did they feel after losing their daughter? How happy was she when she was dying?

3. The University Student:

Monday, 22 September 2014

Forgiveness: A philosophical exploration

It was a very good book. I liked the simple way the author explains his ideas even though I am not a philosopher. 
He addressed the subject of forgiveness (from two dimensions: interpersonal and political) in a very organized manner. Issues and conclusions are discussed fairly and completely. 
Well, I do recommend it to whoever loves philosophy, or who is studying forgiveness and moral concepts in any field. 

Enjoy :)


Sunday, 20 July 2014

التوحيد والتفسيخ بين سياسات الإسلام والكفر

by Siddiqui Kalim (see the book on Goodreads)

هذا الكتاب- رغم قدمه- هو بحث صغير حجما و كبير فائدة. يبين فيه المؤلف حالة الأمة الإسلامية اليوم و أسباب إنحطاطها (الفوضى ,التفرقة و التقسيم و إهمال العلم,الإنسلاخ و الإنحلال و حركة الاستشراق, فصل النموذج الموحى عن النموذج البشري,التبعية الشاملة)
 كما يذكر بعض السبل للنهوض بها من جديد مثل: توعية الجماهير المسلمة و توحيد الأمة الإسلامية باتباع النموذج الموحى -القرآن و السنة - و النموذج , الأسمى - الإسلام , النظام و العلم

See more books I loved. 

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

The Quest For Meaning : Developing a Philosophy of Pluralism

by Tariq Ramadan

(see the book on Goodreads) 

  It took me too long to finish this book, because every section is a book of knowledge. Tariq asked many important questions -everyone should ask at some level- about life and its meaning. Even though he didn't give direct answers, the way he discussed the questions was helpful enough to draw a good path to achieve the best responses. Absolutely a great book, and I am adding it to re-read shelve. I aim to study it, not just read it.
  I recommend it to those who feel lost and confused int his world of globalization. Enjoy.

See more books I loved. 

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Friday, 30 May 2014

Since i can't fly I will walk... Since I can't sleep I will work.  

Recently, I can't sleep in peace. So I just decided to not sleep until sleep looks after me again. Here is my coffee and mt tablet and desktop. Hopefully, soon I will find my way to peace.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Trust, Complexity and Control: Confidence in a Convergent WorldTrust, Complexity and Control: Confidence in a Convergent World by Piotr Cofta
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

a good book for those who want to work on trust in computer science field. I loved the way the author explains the basic concepts and facts. you will enjoy it and forget you are reading a scientific book.

View all my reviews

Wednesday, 21 May 2014


Faith is believing this world is created by a God, not randomly.
Faith is trusting this God no matter what happens.
Faith is a feeling in my heart towards who sees me and I can’t see him.
Faith is seeing God through his creation, power and miracles.
Faith is the light I see in my darkest time.
Faith is fearing to die now, because I have done no good for this world.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Mon intime conviction - Tariq Ramadan

Mes citations préférées 

You find my review about this book on Goodreads. here! and more books I loved on Goodreads
 §  Nous voici revenus de la dangereuse « politique émotionnelle ». L’autre nom de cette politique qui joue de l’émotion est « le populisme », et aucune société contemporaine n’en est définitivement protégée. Les anciens racismes peuvent encore habiter notre avenir.

 §  Il faut pour cela dire « nous », ensemble, contre la pauvreté, la marginalisation sociale, le chômage et l’insécurité. S’engager ensemble pour la dignité des êtres humains, des exclus, des sans-papiers, des immigrés et pour celle de ces femmes et enfants devenus les marchandises d’un nouveau type de traite d’esclaves, de la prostitution à l’exploitation inhumaine. «Nous», ensemble pour refonder un projet de société plurielle et plus juste,